At first, Ron, was skeptical of the idea of volunteering at the mission. He construed, "The mission, on East Lancaster Street, was tucked deep in a nasty part of town....I was sure that anyone still doing any murdering probably lived right around there. (Pg. 75)" However, Ron's wife, Deborah, persuaded him to volunteer with her at the Mission, where Deborah believed God was calling her to serve the homeless.
God works in mysterious ways. He ordains for the journey of each person to intersect with those around them. A dream directed Deborah to befriend Denver, a lonely man who walled off his heart after years of suffering at the hands of others. Through her friendship with Denver, God, in turn, blessed Deborah during her time of need. In the same way, each individual we encounter could possibly be another Denver or Deborah. Even if we are skeptical or prejudice of others like Ron, God can still work on our hearts through the loved ones surrounding us. No matter which of the three we are most like, God has appointed specific individuals to immensely impact our lives. In accordance, we must show Christ's love to everyone we meet, because we never know who God will use in our lives.
God brought Denver and the Halls together through Union Gospel Mission. Union Gospel Mission has also served thousands of the other homeless populace in Fort Worth, Texas. The mission follows this main foundation, "A local united Christian organization and ministry dedicated to providing love, hope, respect, and a new beginning to the homeless."
Some quick facts on UGM:
Every day, 570 to 675 people come to the Mission in need of food, shelter, and new beginnings…
In 2010 UGM-TC, through the financial support of caring friends, provided:
- 203,470 hot meals for men, women, and children who might otherwise have gone hungry.
- 25,200 sack lunches for those going to work or life-changing classes.
- 43,608 nights of shelter for women and children, keeping them safe from the dangerous streets.
- 62,890 nights of shelter for men battling addiction, poverty, and other life crises.
- 140,239 total chapel services attended by 3,571 individuals!
Other parts of UGM's history:
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