Sunday, March 18, 2012


  Denver concludes the book saying, "But I found out everybody's different- the same kind of different as me.  We're all just regular folks walkin down the road God done set in front of us.  The truth about it is, whether we is rich or poor or somethin in between, this earth ain't no final restin place.  So in a way, we is all homeless- just workin our way toward home. (Pg. 235)"
  Often times we do not live out God's calling, because we are afraid of those different from us.  I believe that this book is calling us to not let differences stop us.  Many times we judge others according to their appearance, social circles, and circumstances (like homelessness), and therefore, become unwilling to minister to them.  However, this book inspires us to remember that God created every person with a special purpose.  We do not know what God has planned for another person, but we still have to perform God's calling for us.  As we work our way towards "home," we ultimately want to bring as many people with us as possible.  I believe that Deborah highly understood this principle.  Consequently, she didn't let fear of differences stop her, but instead became different to minister to the homeless.  Her legacy prompts each of us to do the same, as we work our way toward home.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Murchison's Estate

   At the end of the book, Ron continues in his art dealing profession with a chance of a lifetime: the sale of the Murchison Estate's art.  Built in the 1920s,  the Murchison Estate in Dallas was visited by United States presidents, movie stars, and even J. Edgar Hoover.  In 2001, Lupe Murchison, one of the wealthiest people in Texas, passed away.  Her family asked Ron Hall to sell all of the art on the estate, hundreds of pictures and statues.
  During this time, Ron hired Denver to live at the estate and be the night watchman.  Here, Denver discovered his art skills after using left over paints to create his first work of art.  Since then, Denver has crafted over a hundred pictures, selling some of them in his spare time.

An article about the Ron Hall and the sale of the art at the Murchison estate:

Some of Denver's Works of Art:

Denver with one of his works, which was auctioned at Nashville Rescue Mission

Angels We Have Heard
Jacob's Ladder
Memory of a Red Bird

Denver's Greeting Cards
 Website with Denver's artwork for sale:

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Carrying on the Torch

   After a long hard battle with cancer, God told the Halls through Denver to "break the chains" binding Deborah to earth and to let her spirit go free to be with Him in paradise.  That night, on November 3, 2000, Deborah went home to be with the Lord.  This part of the book was especially heartbreaking for me as a reader, because having to let go of someone close is never easy.  Recently my grandpa passed away.  After several years of Parkinson's disease, my grandpa finally journeyed to his last stop: heaven.  When I was with my grandpa on his last night on earth, the pain of watching him suffer almost seemed to drown out the pain of soon losing him.  Later, during the visitation, funeral, and aftermath, I was not prepared for my grandpa's life to be forgotten.  I wanted everyone to remember his commendable acts.  Things he taught me, like persevering through pain, have become a part of me.  His example pushed me to a higher standard for my life.  Even though he is no longer with us, his legacy lives on through the lives he has touched.
   In the same way, I believe the Halls desired for Deborah to be free of the pain and suffering on earth, but were unwilling to let her legacy die with her.  With some of Denver's last words to Deborah, he said, "I can understand how important it is to you that we keep on reachin out to the homeless. Now you done did all you could do.  And God has put it on my heart to tell you that if you lay down the torch, I'll pick it up and keep your ministry to the homeless goin. (Pg. 185)"  A few days later during her funeral, Denver delivered an outstanding message about Deborah and her mission,prompting a standing ovation from all the attenders.  In addition, due to Denver's oration, the Deborah Hall Memorial Chapel raised over $5 million dollars to continue Deborah's work.  In this way, Deborah's legacy continued through Denver and her family.
Ron speaks on Denver's part in the family during the time of cancer, Denver's the funeral speech, and the money raised because of it:

Watch "14:58-16:30"
Faithful to his word, Denver encourages people stop judging others and help them, in accordance with Miss Debbie's passion:

In addition, What Difference Do It Make?: Stories of Hope and Healing, a new book co-written by Denver and Ron, gives more examples of what we can learn from reaching out to people that are different from us.  Through this book, Denver continues to share on faith and friendship, racial reconciliation, community outreach, compassion, and healing, just as he promised to Miss Debbie.

Friday, March 9, 2012

A Modern-Day Job

   Although there are many speculations about why God lets bad things happen to good people, as in the case with Job, no one really knows for sure.  In Deborah's case, she was very health conscious and had no family history of cancer.  However on one chat over coffee with Ron, Denver predicted that something terrible would happen to her.  While talking to Ron about his wife's essential ministry to the homeless, Denver solemnly pronounced, "The work Miss Debbie is doin at the mission is very important.  She is becomin precious to God.  When you is precious to God, you become important to Satan.  Watch your back, Mr. Ron.  Somethin bad gettin ready to happen to Miss Debbie.  The thief comes in the night."  Just three weeks later, doctors diagnosed Deborah with colon cancer.
   The life God calls us to is NOT easy.  The more actions we take to do God's will, the more Satan targets us.  Whether our calling is to serve the homeless or just live a righteous and blameless life like Job, our calling comes pros and cons.  Christians must make the choice: "Would I rather follow God at all cost or avoid Satan's increased focus by taking the easy life?  Do the pros outweigh the cons?"  The answer is YES! Romans 8:31-32 says, "What, then, shall we say in response to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?  He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"  Even in the face of Satan's fury, God stands by all of his followers, not allowing more than each one can handle.  In the midst of trials, God still orchestrates something good.  In Job's case, God blessed Job with double of everything he possessed.  With Deborah, the non-religious homeless, with whom she had been serving, turned to God in prayer for Deborah.  Denver became immensely invaluable to the Halls by prayer and God's word through him.  Most of all, the cancer instigated a gratitude in the Halls for even the smallest blessing; simple things like "We woke up!"  gave them joy.  Their example calls us to live in the present,  to follow God's will for us day-by-day, and to leave all the consequences to Him.

Below is a video of a strong Christian diagnosed with colon cancer and who has found that God created something good come out of the bad:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rocky Top

   Everyone needs a place to retreat when disastrous news, like cancer, suddenly smashes their world to pieces.  Even Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane to pray and to beg God for a different course.  For the Hall family, their retreat was Rocky Top, a 350-acre ranch overlooking the Brazos River in Texas.  Here they began to "think and pray things through as a family."  For over a decade, the ranch had been their "geographical anchor" and it soon became a "war room" to fight the cancer.  Ron describes those times saying, "Conflicting emotions layered those days at Rocky Top.  Our optimism and confident prayers for healing were real.  But like rain falling from a sunny sky, Deborah and I sensed without discussing it aloud that her prospects for a long life were grim. (Pg. 134)"  During their time at Rocky Top, the Halls received good news and tried to find optimism through the bad.

Pictures of Rocky Top:

"By December 21...we had our miracle.  "Cancer free!" exclaimed her surgeon. (Pg. 154)"
"Deborah had regained a few pounds  and a flush of color.  Had our guests not known her condition, they wouln't even have suspected she was ill. (Pg. 154)"
Brazos River- Rocky Top Lower 40
"[Deborah and I] watched the eagles feast on spawning sand bass and marveled at the savage midair battles they sometimes waged over a catch... the only sound for miles was the wind shimmering...(Pg. 156)"
"Ill, but determined to enjoy the season, Deborah watched expectantly for...the birth of our longhorn calves.  She named two of them Freckles and Bubbles, and I didn't roll my eyes. (Pg. 155)"

Saturday, March 3, 2012


    One day, Deborah, Ron's wife, suddenly felt something in her abdomen.  After an x-ray at the hospital, the doctors discovered that she had several tumors on her liver.  A colonoscopy the next day proved a cancer prognosis, even though Deborah was very highly health-conscious.  The doctors surmised that Deborah's future looked grim.  Their verdict shattered the Halls' world, as well as the lives of the homeless, who Deborah had so deeply touched.

   When my older brother, Jon, was ten years old, doctors diagnosed him with the fourth or fifth level of melanoma cancer.  They speculated that Jon only had a short time to live, just as the doctors predicted for Deborah.  The diagnosis shattered my family's life.  Normal activities halted.  Facing death, changed everything for my family.  My mom vividly remembers Jon divulging, "I don't want to die!"  Thankfully, not long after the diagnosis, the doctors discovered the first results were incorrect and that the cancer prognosis had been a mistake.  My family thanked God and rejoiced in Jon's life.

   Although, I was not yet alive when my brother was diagnosed with cancer, I can not imagine my life without Jon.  He is a huge part of my life, just as Deborah was a huge part of many other lives.  The thought of losing Deborah to cancer must have been inconceivable to the Halls.  Just as my family was willing to fight the melanoma in any way, so Deborah's and her family were ready to fight the colon cancer in any way possible.

   I, personally, know very little about colon cancer or even the method of using a colonoscopy to test  for health problems.  I researched these topics, putting the links to a few sites below.


Liver cancer:

Picture of a cancerous liver full of tumors:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Catch and Release"

   At first, Denver plays the "tough guy" out on the streets, who is feared by everyone.  However, this widespread fear doesn't stop Ron.  Ron pursues Denver and appears to be making little headway, when Denver finally opens up to Ron.  In one conversation over coffee, Denver responds to Ron's desire for friendship by stating, "If you is fishin for a friend you just gon' catch and release, then I ain't got no desire to be your friend...but if you is lookin for a real friend, then I'll be one.  Forever. (Pg. 107)"

   The "catch and release" mentality consumes today's culture.  People buy clothes, toys, gadgets, and other popular items, only to discard them soon afterwards.  Certain desires consume so many until they are fulfilled.  People feel that "if I only had the fastest/biggest/smartest....I would be happy."  However, they find that after the initial excitement wears off, there is little appeal; they come to want the next new thing.  Instead, our culture needs to foster the mentality of "catch and keep."  Our fellow citizens must look to focus on loyalty and commitment.  If loyalty and commitment are the focus, relationships and the all-around purpose for life significantly improve.  Instead of "showing off" a prize (only to discard the item soon afterward), this new focus would cultivate an ultimate "prize" lasting for an entire lifetime.  The wisdom in Denver's words are incredible.  His statements calls us to remember to treat fellow neighbors/friends/individuals around us with loyalty and commitment, not build a shallow facade of a relationship.  The relationships we put the most time and effort into are the most likely to succeed.  If you make loyalty and commitment a priority in your relationships, people will want to be your friend and will actually be willing to invest back into you.

Russell Madden describes the importance of loyalty in friendship: